Dunfermline Athletic

Help Us

There are a number of ways you can help DADSC.

◍ Let us know your views and ideas to improve the matchday experience of disabled supporters.

Join DADSC - you don`t need to have a disability to be a member!

◍ Join our team of volunteers. We are always looking for people to help in one way or another - eg, you could become one of our Match Buddies

◍ Let us know of any fundraising ideas to help DADSC, and particularly if you want to do a sponsored event to raise money.

◍ Like and share our Facebook page.


◍ Donate to DADSC to help our work. Send us a cheque (payable to “Dunfermline Athletic Disabled Supporters` Club”) or make an online payment to the DADSC bank account at
Sort code – 80-06-55
Account- 0602 8646
Please mark the payment “DONATION”.

◍ Donate to DADSC by debit or credit card, using the secure card processor Stripe, and DADSC will get immediate notification of your payment. Use the QR code or Payment Link below.

Card Payment Link

◍ Download and print the declaration form (below) which allows DADSC to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation, provided you pay UK Income Tax. Then hand in or send the completed form to DADSC at East End Park, and we`ll do the rest.


views: 5,734
Lift Access Project to Proceed

Lift Access Project to Proceed

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Derek Williamson

Derek WilliamsonAt DADSC we were sorry to hear of the passing of Pars fan Derek Williamson, who had been a regular on one of the wheelchair viewing platforms at KDM Group East End Park.

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£5000 to DADSC from Carnegie Dunfermline Trust

£5000 to DADSC from Carnegie Dunfermline TrustWe are delighted that the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust has generously agreed to grant £5000 to DADSC towards the provision of a lift and associated building work at KDM Group East End Park.

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